Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bullying Is Rough

Bullying is something that has been around for a very long time now.  People tend to tell others to just "shake it off" or "don't let it bother you" when it's not something that should be taken lightly like that.  Bullying can make you feel like you are lonely, depressed or even hurt, and can affect you by not letting you be able to enjoy the fun activities in your life to the full extent.  Bullying can make you want to hide from the world if it happens to become severe.  Bullying has happened since pretty much forever and takes place all the time.  If you were to ask adults about bullying, most of them would probably just say that it’s a part of growing up and being a kid.  It shouldn’t have to be like that though; people shouldn’t have to live their lives sad or miserable.  We all have the right, as human beings, to feel safe in our lives and even to feel good about ourselves instead of having others constantly making fun of us or picking on us for whatever reason. 
Bullying is such a common thing today that there are even different types of it.  For example, there is physical bullying, which involves physical contact or even forcing someone to do something that they just simply don’t want to do.  Another example is verbal bullying, which is basically when someone teases or insults someone else, or when name-calling is involved.  A third type of bullying refers to relationship bullying.  This type includes gossiping, such as spreading stuff about someone that probably isn’t true, ignoring someone by refusing to talk to them, and again, just simply making someone do something that they just don’t feel comfortable doing. 
Bullying comes in all different shapes and sizes and has been around forever, so now is the time that we should finally start acting upon it and try and work on stopping it and getting rid of it for good.  Everyone deserves to be happy and feel safe during his or her life, why not start now?

"It's My Life. Friends. Bullies | PBS Kids GO!" It's My
Life | PBS Kids GO! PBS Kids, 2005. Web. 26 Oct.

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