Monday, December 1, 2014

Bullying Hurts

Bullying is the act of being mean and hurting another person’s feelings over and over again.  The act of this harsh treatment includes: talking about hurting someone, leaving others out on purpose, teasing, hitting or yelling at someone, spreading rumors and also attacking someone.  More recently, bullying hasn’t happened much in person due to cyber bullying via social media and use of the internet through emails and even text.  Cyber bullying includes sharing embarrassing videos or photos, posting and spreading rumors about other on sites like Facebook and Twitter, and also creating fake websites or profiles and trying to trick people into believing they’re real.  People who fall victim to bullying can feel like they are powerless, alone, unpopular, or even completely different from everyone around them.  Victims who become bullied are usually unable to stand up for themselves and fight back because of the fact that they feel like the person who is bullying them is stronger and more powerful than they are.  Bullying tends to make one feel sick, bully other people around them, have problems at school and also feel miserable, sad, lonely, and even nervous at times.  The reason as to why people bully others is because they might want to copy their friends who are doing it, think they are bigger and better than the person in which they are bullying, or they may think that the act of bullying may help them fit in with others around them.  Bullying is never acceptable or okay, and those who bully other tend to use power to hurt other.  Power, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that that person is bigger or better than the bully victim, it can simply mean popular or smart.  Bullying puts people down and makes them feel less of themselves, which is why it needs to be stopped. 

"Facts About Bullying.", n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bullying in the Bible

            The bible, believe it or not, has a lot to say about the topic of bullying.  Christians are taught as we grow old to be kind to one another as well as turn our cheeks when we are faced with adversity.  Bullying tends to make the victim feel very alone and sad, and may cause them to become depressed.  They tend to feel useless in the world and as if they don’t belong on this earth anymore, which isn’t true, they shouldn’t have to feel this way.  However, we should always remember that no matter what, God is always with us in everything we do and everywhere we go.  He helps to guide us as well as protect us.  He teaches us everything we need to know about life and we learn from the mistakes in which we face throughout our own personal lives.  When we have those times where we feel so alone and like no one is there for us, God will always be there even though you can’t see him physically.  We all know that one of the hardest things to do in life is to love our enemies, but that is what God has always asked for us to do.  Even though we may not like the behavior cause by them, a bully is still a bully.  However, that doesn’t mean we should just let them to continue to bully us.  Learning to take the higher road is what is needed in order for us to stand up to bullying and report the behavior caused by the bullies.  No one is a fan of bullying, so now is the time to put a stop to it and if we believe in God we can believe that with him and his faith we will be protected. 

Mahoney, Kelli. "Bible Verses on Bullying." About Religion. About Religion, 2014. Web. 26

Nov. 2014.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Team Bullying

If you are someone who plays a sport or has ever been involved in a sport before, you know that there is a difference between competitive play and bullying.  Bullying involving a team or sports member involves on or more of the team members intentionally trying to hurt someone else usually on the opposite team.  There are multiple types of bullying when it comes to team bullying.  These types include verbal bullying, physical bullying, and also relational bullying.  Verbal bullying is the form that involves one or more teammates name-calling, taunting, threatening another teammate of opposing opponent team member.  Physical bulling is the form in which includes slapping, hitting, tripping, and any other form of physical violence to a teammate or a team member from the opposing side.  The last category of team bullying is relational bullying, which is the type that includes excluding another player, hurtful/embarrassing trash talk, and also gossiping.  All of these components can really hurt someone’s feelings both physically and eve emotionally and especially when it comes to sports.  The reason why the topic of bullying on sports teams is so important is because of the fact that it can affect the way a person continues to play the sport, or can also affect them to the point where they don’t even want to play the sport anymore.  Everyone should know their boundaries when it comes to picking on or judging other people, even though it shouldn’t even happen in the first place.  Coaches should do their best to try and prevent bullying between their teammates and also players from other teams that way hopefully bullying will eventually be stopped, not just in sports, but also on a daily basis. 

"Bullying And Sports." STOMP Out Bullying. STOMP Out Bullying, 2014.
Web. 20 Nov. 2014.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Bulling at School

            When most people think of bullying they think of the big kid in the class, at school, trying to steal the smaller kids lunch or lunch money.  Bullying is extremely popular in school no matter what age level.  Children are first introduced to early stages of bullying when they first start school.  The act of bullying can affect the students’ ability to pay attention in class and learn in a negative way.  Also, it can endanger the students emotional as well as physical safety at school.  Prevention for bullying is the best possible way to stop it before it can even happen which may be easier said than done.  School staff is usually the ones a student should talk first about bullying at school because they are the adults who are actually around when the bullying takes place.  A teacher or even counselor should always be available to talk to a student who has fallen victim due to bullying.  Also, another person to talk to right away about bullying is a parent or guardian of the student, someone who they live with who will be able to help them out in a terrible situation such as being bullied at school by a fellow classmate.  It is extremely important for people to spread awareness about bullying and how dangerous it can actually become.  Schools should take part in creating rules at school strictly against bullying and really enforce them.  Some ways that schools can add in bullying prevention into schoolwork is by building material going along with bully prevention into school activities and also curriculum.  

"Prevention at School." N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2014.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bullying In The Workplace

          Bullying not only happens at school involving kids, but can also occur in the workplace with adults.  Bullying is basically a frequent battle of social corruption that may put your health, career and the job that you once loved at risk.  Emotional harm is typically a main side effect that comes along with the abusiveness and violent form of bullying.  The victim who ends up becoming bullied simply did not cause the bullying to occur.  The main reason why bullies bully other people, especially in the workplace, is simply because bullying is not yet illegal.  Another reason, which is what parents use to tell their kids all the time about bullies, is that the person bullying you may be jealous of you or something you may have.  They may feel enjoy when harming others by which they may feel threatened.  Bullying is more common in job environments than that of racial discrimination and also sexual harassment.  In order to help with the depression and stress that occurs when a person is bullied, they should spend much time with friends and family and try to avoid isolation because isolating oneself from others during a stressful time like this can cause the stress to become worse and increase.  Still, to this date, no state has yet passed a law that bans bullying in the workplace and no one is sure when that will exactly come into effect.  The fact that bullying can seriously affect or even corrupt your personal health makes it a topic that should be taken seriously by making your personal health your priority. 

Namie, Gary, and Ruth Namie. " Being Bullied? Start Here." Workplace
Bullying Institute RSS. WBI, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bullying Is Rough

Bullying is something that has been around for a very long time now.  People tend to tell others to just "shake it off" or "don't let it bother you" when it's not something that should be taken lightly like that.  Bullying can make you feel like you are lonely, depressed or even hurt, and can affect you by not letting you be able to enjoy the fun activities in your life to the full extent.  Bullying can make you want to hide from the world if it happens to become severe.  Bullying has happened since pretty much forever and takes place all the time.  If you were to ask adults about bullying, most of them would probably just say that it’s a part of growing up and being a kid.  It shouldn’t have to be like that though; people shouldn’t have to live their lives sad or miserable.  We all have the right, as human beings, to feel safe in our lives and even to feel good about ourselves instead of having others constantly making fun of us or picking on us for whatever reason. 
Bullying is such a common thing today that there are even different types of it.  For example, there is physical bullying, which involves physical contact or even forcing someone to do something that they just simply don’t want to do.  Another example is verbal bullying, which is basically when someone teases or insults someone else, or when name-calling is involved.  A third type of bullying refers to relationship bullying.  This type includes gossiping, such as spreading stuff about someone that probably isn’t true, ignoring someone by refusing to talk to them, and again, just simply making someone do something that they just don’t feel comfortable doing. 
Bullying comes in all different shapes and sizes and has been around forever, so now is the time that we should finally start acting upon it and try and work on stopping it and getting rid of it for good.  Everyone deserves to be happy and feel safe during his or her life, why not start now?

"It's My Life. Friends. Bullies | PBS Kids GO!" It's My
Life | PBS Kids GO! PBS Kids, 2005. Web. 26 Oct.