Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bullying in the Bible

            The bible, believe it or not, has a lot to say about the topic of bullying.  Christians are taught as we grow old to be kind to one another as well as turn our cheeks when we are faced with adversity.  Bullying tends to make the victim feel very alone and sad, and may cause them to become depressed.  They tend to feel useless in the world and as if they don’t belong on this earth anymore, which isn’t true, they shouldn’t have to feel this way.  However, we should always remember that no matter what, God is always with us in everything we do and everywhere we go.  He helps to guide us as well as protect us.  He teaches us everything we need to know about life and we learn from the mistakes in which we face throughout our own personal lives.  When we have those times where we feel so alone and like no one is there for us, God will always be there even though you can’t see him physically.  We all know that one of the hardest things to do in life is to love our enemies, but that is what God has always asked for us to do.  Even though we may not like the behavior cause by them, a bully is still a bully.  However, that doesn’t mean we should just let them to continue to bully us.  Learning to take the higher road is what is needed in order for us to stand up to bullying and report the behavior caused by the bullies.  No one is a fan of bullying, so now is the time to put a stop to it and if we believe in God we can believe that with him and his faith we will be protected. 

Mahoney, Kelli. "Bible Verses on Bullying." About Religion. About Religion, 2014. Web. 26

Nov. 2014.

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